Valentines Day - Friday Nights @ Cuppa

Valentines Day - Friday Nights @ Cuppa


Friday Nights @ Cuppacumbalong recommence for 2025.  

What better way to celebrate the continuation of these popular Friday nights than on Valentines Day.

Come and join the byCath team for a memorable evening of fine food in one of Canberra's oldest homesteads.

byCath will provide a four course, fixed price, a-la-carte menu for each dinner. 

The Details

$110 per person

BYO drinks (no corkage)


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Event Properties

Start Time 14/02/2025 6:00 pm
Price First dinner back for 2025
Location Cuppacumbalong

Venue Information - Cuppacumbalong

First settled in 1850, Cuppacumbalong is an historic homestead located 30 minutes south of Canberra. Overlooking the Murrumbidgee river, Cuppacumbalong provides heritage listed accomodation and event facilities amidst a bucolic setting.

Location Map